Friday 25 April 2008

Hello again!

I have come out of hibernation... at last! The blog will be updated on a regular basis as from now on.
It is now 2 of us working on this project.
Please note that comments have been desactivated. Do not hesitate to email us!
London's Suns.

Friday 19 October 2007

El olvido

Si fuese por tí, me quedaría,
Sobreviviendo en la nostalgia
Del amor perdido que sigue vivo,
Ahogado en el abismo que has creado.

Si fuese por mí, no me iría,
Y cada vez que te veo,
Arranco una estrella del cielo,
Hasta que la noche sea inmaculada.

A tu isla me fuí y allí me quedé,
A tu isla viajé y con ella soñé,
Sentado en su arena blanca,
Sentía tus especias en la tarde oscura.

Tantas estrellas, como los días sin verte,
Tanto espacio como el que nos divide,
Tanto amor desaprovechado,

Tanto esfuerzo para el olvido.

Friday 5 October 2007

More dialogue, less hatred!

This is by no means a political blog, and I don't intend to promote any political views on this blog. However, when citizens of my home country are being arrested merely because of their political orientation, I feel I have a duty to inform and condemn those who don't want to give peace a chance in the Basque Country.

It is happening now, in western Europe...

Plea for Peace by Imanol

Anyhow, más diálogo, menos odio!

Tuesday 18 September 2007

Le Soleil

Ce vague souvenir qui se transforme en rêve de bonheur,
Cette lueur nocturne qui illumine mon cœur,
Nostalgie passagère ou folle utopie,
C’est l’amour qui revit.

Tel un oiseau perdu dans la tempête,
Cet amour divague au gré des vents,
Tentant de mourir mais toujours impuissant,
Son décés signifierait ta perte.

Mais le Soleil viendra après l’orage,
Cet astre céleste éteindra ma rage
Et nourrira ces sentiments intemporels.

Point d’orgue de longues saisons d’espérance,
Sa concrétisation sera une délivrance
Et nos ailes s’uniront à l’infini.

La douleur

La douleur traverse ton corps.
Ton existence souffre.
Ta vie n’est plus qu’un trait
S’achevant par la Mort.

D’où vient ce rêve ?
Cette envie de l’atteindre ?
Quel chemin prendre ?
Sans tomber dans le piège.

Tous tes désirs semblent inaccessibles,
Tu te sens prisonnier, sans raison de vivre.
Comment se libérer ?
Où se trouve la solution ?

Friday 3 August 2007

Waiting Room

I am a patient boy
I wait, I wait, I wait
My time is like water down the drain
Everybody's moving, everything is moving
Please don't leave me to remain

In the waiting room

I don't want the news
I am not part of it
I don't want the news
I have no use for it
Sitting outside of town
Everybody's always down
They can't get up

But I don't sit idly by
I'm planning a big surprise
I am going to fight for what I want to be
I won't make the same mistakes
Because I know how much time that wastes
Function is the key

In the waiting room

Song by Fugazi, photo by Xabi (